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Why is everyone writing books?

Okay, so apart from the initial difficulties in starting a novel, getting lost in the middle of the plot, then struggling to find a fitting end or denouement, writers have a slow torturous editing process to look forward to that is not unlike pulling out your own teeth. Next comes the marketing and the hunt for reviews which is more akin to sending out a fleet of trawlers all fishing for compliments.

Those are the drawbacks, but what are the paybacks? Not money, that is for sure. You show me an independent author who makes a decent living out of writing and I will show you someone who is being economical with the truth.

Just like most other authors, I write to create something. As a man, it is the closest that I can get to being pregnant and giving birth. Let’s just say that my book is my son. His personality and character is the story and I will love him dearly and think that I have given birth to the son of God.

You will play the part of my friend's and neighbors. You will be more discerning; some of you will think my son is wonderful, whilst others will think he is a little twat. However, you will reach those opinions because you have got to know him, and that is what counts. The worst thing that you as a reader can do is ignore him. If you do this, he grows up insular and reserved, never being allowed to express himself. Show him a little love, and he will show it back to you, allowing you to connect on a level that you probably couldn't with the young book or a major author or publisher.

Independent published books can appear a little dysfunctional because they do not have the same start in life that those raised by traditional publishers. However, those guys don't even adopt anymore, because they don't want originality, but instead, want more of the same: You bought this before, so here's another one, very similar from a writer who has sold many millions before.

When I go out for a drink with my friends, every time I buy a pint of Guinness at the bar, I think to myself, I needed to sell 3 or 4 books to buy that pint. Nonetheless, my friend doesn't think that he could have bought me two novels for the price of that one pint of beer.

Why is that? perhaps because we have all been acclimatized to expect free entertainment. Why should you have to pay a couple of euros for a book by an independent author when you can get the latest episodes of Game of Thrones for free on certain channels, or free games on facebook, or free movies streamed across the net.

However, there is a hidden price for those things, because you are paying for homogenized products, sold to you by faceless corporations. Once upon a time, you used to buy on personal recommendation; now we are only willing to buy leading brands or products endorsed by large viral advertising campaigns.

My plea to you is, please support Independent authors. Be experimental, listen to your friend's recommendations again , and pick up an Indie novel to read when you are in the bath, on the train, or when driving a bus. Try out mine.

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